Tamilnadu & South Indian Purohit

Our history

About gaya ji

When actually Lord Rama Chandra came to Gaya to offer Pind Dan (Pind Daan) or Shraddha to his Father Dashratha?It is believed that Rama belonged to Treta Yuga,This yuga covered 12,96,000 mortal years.After Treta, came Dwapar yuga covering 8,64,000 mortal years.This is the kali yuga.The period is to cover another 4,32,000 mortal years.In such a situation Rama caor me to Gaya for offering oblation to his deceased father more than 12 lakh years ago. And the Pind Daan Process in Gaya Ji practice for the salvation of a soul was in vogue since long and still continues to be an integral part of Hindu Mythology.
Gaya finds mention in the great epics, Ramayana and Mahabharata. In Mahabharat, the place has been identified as Gayapuri. Gaya derives its name from the mythological demon Gayasur (which literally means Gaya the holy demon), demon (asur, a Sanskrit word) and Gaya. Over its history dating millennia, the word asur got deleted and the name Gaya remained in currency.
A study of Gaya perhaps Cannot be completed without a refernce to the Gaya Mahatmya.In Gaya Mahatmya, And Gaya Mahatmya also speaks about the powerful demon Gayasur and how Lord Vishnu in his mace bearing form had persuaded the demon motionless with his body and how Lord Vishnu killed Gayasur, the holy demon by using the pressure of his foot over him and forming the panch kosi Gaya keshetra,the most pious land on earth,And Gayasur was the creation of Brahma and his body with his head in the north covers the area from the bodhgaya on the south to prethshilla on the north, and after his death many people have flocked to Gaya to perform shraddha or pinddaan sacrifices on his body to absolve the sins of their ancestors. And It was said that the Gayasura's body would continue to be known as Gaya Kshetra.
It is believed that this place has been blessed by purificatory powers.Hindus traditionally come here to perform pind daan to honour their parents or ancestors and people also participate in the massive get together who perform the final rites of their departed family members to freed from the agonies of Hell and sent to Heaven.
As we say the king of holy place is Prayag. The teacher of holy place is Pushkar.
Thus Gayaji is called the soul of holy place. (it is written in Bedpuran)
Gayaji is only one of the places where hindues worship their parents, ancestors with the Lord.

Imporatance of Gaya Shradh (Shraddha) and PitraDosh Nivaran

It would be incumbent upon all sons to offer PIND (oblations) for the salvation of the soul of their ancestors. The soul could be freed from the agonies of Hell and sent to Heaven by performing Gaya Shraddha or Pind Daan in Gaya. From our Hindu Mythology,Its is believed that if any person departed from the earth,her soul is wandering in earth here and there,and they did not get peace untill his any family member is not visited gaya for performing Gaya Sraddha or pind daan for him, and it is also believed that if any person sacrifice his life by any means then he or she first of all enter the Preth yoni then enter the pitar yoni and after doing Pind daan or Gaya shraddham they got moksha under the foot of Lord Vishnu in Gaya,And it is also signifies in padma puran,Garud puran, and shri Bhagwat Gita. and it is neccesaary to perform Gaya sraddha or Pinda daan in Gaya from our Hindu Mythology . Departed person had in search of that his family member will do the Gaya sraddha for me after the yearly sraddha .And if the Gaya sraddha is not done after the yearly sraddth of any person then the soul of person is not get peace and wandering in the universe,and the soul will give cursh to her family member and creating different types of difficulties to her parents or childrens like losses in business regularly,sickness of any people regularly,e.t.c and create difficulties in any type of Good Work,This is known as Pitra Dosh, so,from Hindus Mythology,any people of the family have to perform Gaya sraddha or pind daan in Gaya for Pitra Dosh Nivaran ,And the every people who is belonging from Hindu culuture have to perform Gaya sraddha or pind daan in Gaya for the salavation of their ancestors or to give peace to their ancestors and to send their ancestors under the foot of lord Vishnu. After doing Gaya sradddha or pind daan in gaya all the difficulties which their ancestors is creating are removed because the souls of their ancestors get moksha or peace under the foot of lord Vishnu,And their ancestors blessed him as well as help in the progress of the family. Besides Rama,other Mythological personalities who visited Gaya for the pinddaan purpose are the Raja yudhistra,Bhisma Pitamaha, Marichi(Brahma’s son) and others.

Better Days for doing Gaya Shradh or Pind Daan

In Gaya,Pind Dan (Pind Daan) can be done all the year but it is better to perform Gaya Shradh (Shraddha) or Pinda Daan during auspicious 18 days pitri paksh mela or 7days, 5days, 3days or 1 day amawasya with krishana paksh in any month. The auspicious 18days Tri paksha sraddha or Pitripaksha mela,that is considered best days for offering oblations to the depared forefathers or any departed Family members,And this Auspicious 18days comes in every year in the month of September or October.And,An estimated 6,00,000 to 8,00,000 pilgrims arrive in the Gaya city during the Pitripaksh Mela for GayaJi sraddha or Pind Daan.

The Shradh or Pind Daan perform in GayaJI includes three Rituals:-
1-Snana and sankalpa
2-Pind Daan